,the%20seeds%20of%20Shorea%20robusta.&targetText=Sal%20is%20indigenous%20to%20India,to%20the%20Dipterocarpaceae%20botanical%20family. Fruits are used for treating epilepsy, excessive salivation and chlorosis. It is beneficial for those suffering from diarrhea. Sal Tree, Shorea robusta, is an evergreen tree growing up to 50 m in height with a cylindrical bole that can be unbranched for up to 25 m and up to 200 cm in diameter. The database and code is licensed under a It extends from Assam, Odisha, Bengal and Jharkhand westto Shivalik Hills in Haryana in India. It provides relief from joint pain caused due to arthritis. Shorea robusta, the sal tree, is a species of tree in the family Dipterocarpaceae. Powdered bark, stem or bark paste is used to halt bleeding and promote healing of cuts. It is endemic to Indian subcontinent that ranges south of the Himalaya from Myanmar in the East to Nepal, Bangladesh and India. Choosing a Quality Meal kit Subscription Service. Sal tree extracts have astringent properties which is beneficial for maintaining skin care and hair care. Tree extracts are considered to be strong astringent agents. It is incredible to maintain overall health. Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should consult the doctor for use. Skype: healthbenefit55. Use the seeds powder for treating dental problems. Various shorea ointments are available in the market for skin ailments. Last update on 2019-06-13: Now containing 11906 plants. Sal tree possess astringent properties which is an ingredient in herbal ointments for skin problems and ear ailments. Facts about Peyote – Lophophora williamsii, Traditional uses and benefits of Fernleaf Biscuitroot, Major Health Benefits of Sleep and Recovery Supplements. All rights reserved. Resin is used to treat menorrhagia, eye irritations and spleen enlargement., It is effective to halt bleeding piles and also provide relief to the patients experiencing piles. Seed oil is used for treating skin problems. Younger tree has an elongated crown but as the tree grows older, the crown becomes more rounded. Terms & conditions (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); POLICY Try shorea robusta if experiencing ear infection. For burn injury, in one liter Sesame oil, 250 grams of Ral / resin is heated for 20 minutes. Shorea robusta helps to promote immunity of the body. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Make porridge by boiling seeds with fruits of Dolichos biflorus and flowers of Bassia latifolia. It assists the body to cure digestion associated problems easily. The oil extracted from the seeds of the Shorea robusta tree is an edible oil, it is used in cooking many traditional recipes by the rural people. In Northern India, it is found in Odisha, Madhya Pradesh and Jharkhand. Moreover, it nourishes the skin being rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Addiction – What Are the Short- and Long-Term Effects of Drug Abuse? Oval, 1.3-1.5 cm long and 1 cm in diameter, Deep, well-drained, moist, slightly acid, sandy to clayey, Simple, shiny, glabrous, about 10-25 cm long, Tracheophyta (Vascular plants, tracheophytes). Anti–inflammatory (leaves decoction): Lowers inflammation. 3: t. 212 (1819) [n.a. Anti-nociceptive (leaves): Inhibits nociception, the sensation of pain, Antiulcer (resin): Tending to prevent or heal ulcers. Use the leaves as a poultice on the swollen areas of the body. Ajna Fern Mix few grams of resin with egg whites and apply this paste to the affected portion. If you would like to support this site, please consider. Resin is used for treating gonorrhea, dysentery, toothache and boils. Indian subcontinent, ranging south of the Himalaya, from Myanmar in the east to Nepal, India and Bangladesh. Antipyretic (resin): Effective for fever. The properties available in the herb help in proper digestion. It has so many healthy features that help to improve health. English name: Sal tree, Common Sal, Indian Dammer, Canon Ball tree Hindi name: Sakher, Sakhu, Sal, Shal Bengali name – Skaher, Skahua, Sal Gujarati name – Ral Marathi name – Rala, Sajara Oriya name – Sagua, Salo, Sarjjo Punjabi name – Sal, Seral Tamil name – Attam, Kungiliyam, Shalam, Talur Telugu name – Gugilamu, Sarjamu Sanskrit Synonyms: Ashwakarna, Kanakalodhbava, kalyana, Kanta, Rala Niryasa, Vrischikara, Shalaniryasa, Sarjaniryasa, surabhi, Sarjarasa. It is one of the main commercial timbers of India, being harvested from the wild for local use and export. It possesses antibacterial properties that eliminate germs and bacteria. Leaves are used for treating ulcers, wounds, leprosy, itching, earache, cough and headache. It also yields a resin that is traded and an oil that is used locally as well as being exported in large quantities. Shorea robusta has antioxidants that exterminate infections in the body. This herb is beneficial for those who wish to promote immunity level of the body. It addition, it supplies tannins, an edible seed and medicines for local use. Due to the presence of Oleoresin, they are used in manufacturing incense sticks for many religious … Bark and leaves are helpful for ulcers, wounds, cough, leprosy, earache, gonorrhea and headache. Rala cleanses wounds and facilitate healing of wounds. It has therapeutic properties from oleoresin that contains triterpenoids, the derivatives of ursonic, triterpene and olenane acid. Ken Fern, Use the bark for dysentery, diarrhea and vaginal discharges. The leaves … Drawing of the leaves, flowers, fruit and seed, The leaves have been harvested for use as plates, Roxburgh, W., Plants of the coast of Coromandel, vol. Comments have to be approved before they are shown here. Take the bark tea orally for five days to treat typhoid. It has rala which acts as effective astringent and anti-microbial properties. Use the leaf juice for treating dysentery. It is a smart choice to get radiant skin naturally without artificial methods. Seeds are boiled, roasted or grounded into flour. Shorea Robusta is a large tree. It is sub deciduous. ],,{D28373CC-6EF3-4EF8-B097-6D83FABF209E}&serieid={9F1C3DB1-6E7B-4CF1-AF53-F480B0CB40EF}&sort=title, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. It grows up to 35 M. Best used for Diabetes. It is commonly used in Ayurveda, Unani and tribal systems of medicine. Why Do You Need A Specialised Diabetes Health Insurance? It grows in a subtropical climate. The oil obtained from the seeds is also used for making biscuits and chocolates. Immunomodulatory (bark): Modifies the immune response or the functioning of the immune system. Richard Morris. Disclaimer, e-mail: [email protected] It has eminent role in economics of some Indian states i.e. Maricha Patraka – leaves resemble t… Useful Tropical Plants Database 2014 by Sal tree sap is used for treating agonizing swelling.,the%20seeds%20of%20Shorea%20robusta.&targetText=Sal%20is%20indigenous%20to%20India,to%20the%20Dipterocarpaceae%20botanical%20family, Facts about Common Toadflax – Linaria vulgaris, Uses and benefits of Virginian Peppercress – Lepidium virginicum, Health benefits of Bay Laurel – Laurus nobilis, Uses and Benefits of Larch – Larix decidua. If you have any useful information about this plant, please leave a comment. Jharkhand, Orissa and Madhya Pradesh. Privacy Policy Apply it to children’s stomach to treat dysentery. In Nepal, it is found in Terai region from east to west in Sivalik Hilla in subtropical climate. It is native to the Indian Subcontinent and can be found in East Asia where it serves many purposes. with help from The resin obtained from sal tree bark is helpful in providing relief from arthritis. web interface by Take the gum resin internally for bloody diarrhea, uteral discharges and bleeding piles. The grounded flour is used for making bread.