I have been using My3 Power Plate for 3 weeks now and I am delighted with this incredible vibration machine. I know that, because though I eat healthily, I’m still slowly gaining weight. I battle being over weight due to physical and not so physical medical issues and your review helped me decide whether this product would be of use to me in my current situation. This is a great review on a product I can probably get for my grandmother. But do you use this product personally? I also think this would be a great machine for people with health problems that can’t do a more strenuous workout. Great Review! My main question though is the noise level. Most notably, Power Plate My3 has a super user-friendly interface. This is my first time to here of losing weight on just standing on a machine, I think that this is a really good for people who hates using treadmills. I really hope this post helped you in making a decision to buy this amazing piece of equipment. The My3 from Power Plate offers the most economic version of the Power Plate home models but still includes a column and a screen for ease of use. Horrible teeth chattering experience. yes there are some out there that are cheaper and just as reliable. Power Plate my3 Vibration Trainer 71-MY3-3100 The design is compact. Question, what kind of workouts would you do on them to isolate the muscles? I doubt the price will go down much, there are cheaper models I could source one for you….. Power Plate My3 – The Basic. Glad you like my site and yes the power plate can be a really good aid in any weight loss programe even more so for people who cant do “physical” exercise, I never heard of this machine so it really interested me in terms of excercise – the aspect which really interested me was the vibrations from the machine. I honestly didn’t know machines like this still existed, although this is a much more scientifically advanced machine than the ones ‘back in the day.’ What I actually found most interesting was the option to use it after your normal exercise routine. This review was well written and a clear breakdown of the features and associated benefits have left me feeling that Im going to have to think carefully about using equipment at some point in the foreseable future. A great solid review my friend with super page attachments. Absolutely if it’s possible if you use them in combination you will see really powerful results it’s up to you at what part of your workout you introduce power plates, I tend to use afterwards to ward of aches and pains. The Power Plate My3 Vibration Training Machine is the most economical home model Power Plate has to offer. For instance, some company’s make it sound like power plating is all you need to become fit healthy and happy, it certainly will help but for cardio health not so sure. Most notably, Power Plate My3 has a super user-friendly interface. I actually did not know they were still around or that people found that they worked. This looks easy enough, and as far as cost, you have to put it in perspective. This power plate my3 is different than anything else I have seen. The Power Plate my3 delivers a frequency of 35Hz and 30- or 60-second time selections to provide effective workouts and exercises on any schedule. I never knew that power plates had so much potential and its good to see that they are easy on the joints! I’m probably showing my age by disclosing that my only knowledge of this type of machine is from really (really really) old sit-coms on TV where someone had one of these go out of control..haha! Sometimes, other exercise machines are too big to install inside the house but this is perfect. I am certainly no expert in the field that is only my personal opinion. During this case study with overweight and obese patients, visceral fat was dramatically reduced, and another research has shown that vibration training is a powerful tool in rehabilitation. I do cardio workouts and alternate it with yoga, plyo and kenpo. Do you happen to have a link to a video that shows someone actually on the machine?