The Nebraska Child Support Enforcement Association. The webinar will begin shortly. NCSEA - Shaping the Future of Child Support, McLean, Virginia. What is the Child Support Hackathon? Shaping the Future of Child Support: A Conversation with the Commissioner Become an NCSEA Member! It's really a celebration of the child support community's ideas and innovation! of Human Services, Office of Child Support Services). Stay Up-To-Date. NCSEA - Nebraska CSE Association Conference Annual. The Child Support Hackathon is the opportunity for child support professionals to share how they problem-solved an issue or challenged experienced in the workplace today. What does NCSEA stand for? Our organization is composed of several hundred Nebraskans dedicated to improving the lives of over 100,000 children across our state and nation. NCSEA - Nebraska CSE Association Home. 505 likes. What is the abbreviation for National Child Support Enforcement Association? Pat O’Donnell of YoungWilliams sits down with a distinguished panel in today’s episode: Debra Barnes (IV-D Director, Wisconsin Bureau of Child Support), Wally McClure (Raven Wings Consulting, and former IV-D Director of Washington Division of Child Support) and Sharon Santilli (IV-D Director, Rhode Island Dept. WICSEC offers child support resources, networking, conferences and more. Get Connect to theCommunity! This session will explore the intersection of immigration law and child support establishment and enforcement. The NCSEA Policy Forum brings together more than 450 child support professionals and decision-makers at the highest levels, to learn about regulatory policy developments and the … NCSEA abbreviation stands for National Child Support Enforcement Association. 10:30 AM - Noon: Immigration Law & Child Support, Alexander McAtee, Attorney.. Our vision is for NCSEA to serve as the voice for the child support community. Opportunities to promote your brand and message within the child support community. Four agencies will be selected to participate in a live event showcasing a challenge it faced and the solution. Child Support Redux When: Dec 9, 2020 from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM (ET) on developments and best practices in child support. WICSEC is an organization made up of child support professionals from the states, tribes, and territories west of the Mississippi. Join the community of child support professionals across the world that share common issues and concerns.