- Mental State statistics is actually an indicator for players' behaviour and reveals how aggressive a player is in GTA Online. D. All of the following regarding the mental states approach to personal selling are … To be successful in problem-solution selling, salespeople must be able to get the buyer to agree that a problem exists and that solving it is worth the time and effort required. Problem Solving Selling Define Problem Generate Alternative Solutions Continue Selling until Purchase Decision Evaluate Alternative Solutions 16. a. a. An acronym for the various mental states the salesperson must lead customers through when using mental states selling: attention, interest, desire, … Consultative selling. d. attention, interest, desire, action. Mental States Selling Attention Interest Conviction Desire Action 14. Stimulus response selling c. Contingency selling d. Mental states selling e. Consultative selling 48. Need Satisfaction Selling Uncover and Confirm Buyer Needs Present Offering to Satisfy Buyer Needs Continue Selling until Purchase Decision 15. Tip #1: One can check their current Mental State stats by holding the D-Pad or choosing stats from the Start Menu. b. attention, desire, interest, action. See 1-5: Alternative Personal Selling Approaches Question 8 … Correct. stimulus-response need satisfaction contingency selling mental states problem-solving View Feedback. _____is the process of helping customers reach their strategic goals by using the products, services, and expertise of the sales organization. As a result, that person is likely lack the necessary mens rea or mental intent necessary under a drug law, because he or she never intended to sell an illegal drug, just baking soda (although few people will believe that you honestly thought baking soda could be sold for … a. An acronym for the various mental states the salesperson must lead customers through when using mental states selling: attention, interest, desire, and action. Problem-Solving Selling. For example, a person could objectively be selling drugs, but mistakenly believe that he or she is just selling a bag of baking soda. c. curiosity, interest, conviction, purchase. AIDA. mental states selling Which critical variable of trust in a salesperson does the question "Will you safeguard confidential information that I share with you?" The mental states approach to personal selling assumes that buyers must be led through four mental states, which occur in this order: a. interest, attention, desire, action. It … 46. e. listening, considering, aspiring, deciding. An extension of need satisfaction selling that goes beyond identifying needs … Which of the following are characteristics of sales professionalism? Mental States Selling. An approach to selling based on the notion that the customer is buying to satisfy a particular need or set of needs. e. consultative selling. most likely address? Need Satisfaction Selling. Compatibility b. Hospitality c. Dependability d. Service resilience e. Candor According to a study examining the status of sales as a true profession , sales meets the professional criteria of _____ through professional … Need satisfaction selling b. An approach to personal selling that assumes that the buying process for most buyers is essentially identical and that buyers can be led through certain mental states, or steps, in the buying process; also called the formula approach. All of the following statements accurately reflect factors that pertain to need satisfaction selling except this method focuses on the salesperson and how to effectively make a sales presentation it is the salesperson's duty to identify the need to be met and then help the buyer in meeting that need the salesperson utilizes … Maria uses the problem-solving approach to personal selling. Mental states selling Contingency selling. mental states selling.