It’s a convenient choice for busy adults who would like to change professions and seek an advanced nursing degree. Our Master’s Entry Program in Nursing (MEPN) helps non-nursing students pursue their dream careers. Applying to a Direct-Entry Master’s in Nursing Programs. If so, then a direct entry master’s in nursing program may be just the path for you. At the Hahn School of Nursing, it’s never too late to pursue your passion for meeting the health needs of humanity. Masters Entry Program in Nursing Program Overview. Academics – Master’s Entry Program in Nursing Welcome to the Master’s Entry Program in Nursing (MEPN) at the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing at UC Davis MEPN prepares new nurses as leaders in quality and safety, advocates for diverse patient populations and … You will develop the skills you need to excel as a nurse in any specialty you choose. Unlike traditional programs, the MSN (Entry into Nursing) Program emphasizes leadership, global impact, quality and safety, and evidence-based interprofessional education. It entails 30-37 hours of class and clinical work per week, in addition to study time. The Graduate Entry Program in Nursing (GEPN) offers post-baccalaureate entry to the Master of Science in Advanced Population Health Nursing (APHN) and Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) programs. While eligibility requirements vary by school, direct-entry MSN programs admit students who hold a bachelor’s degree in a non-nursing major from an accredited institution. Designed for individuals with a baccalaureate degree or higher in another discipline, our Master’s Entry Program in Nursing (MEPN) students come to us from all walks of life—from baristas to lobbyists and even clergy. These programs are designed for people who have a bachelor’s degree in something other than nursing. Our program is presented in a blended format, allowing you to complete traditional and distance education courses. Most schools require an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher. With our entry level master’s in nursing, you’ll get the same one-on-one, personal attention from faculty members that you’ll give your patients. During the program you will be first trained as a nurse and sit for the NCLEX, and then you will complete the program to earn your masters. Curriculum The first year of study in the accelerated, three-year Master's Entry Program in Nursing (MEPN) includes all the didactic and clinical nursing study usually distributed over one year. At the time of application to GEPN, the student selects a specialty area and graduate degree (i.e., MS, DNP). The answer: MSN (Entry into Nursing) Program graduates will be top patient-care nurses with unlimited choices, wherever and however you choose to practice. DePaul’s Master’s Entry to Nursing Practice (MENP) program is for college graduates who want to become nurses. Expect Innovation . For Students who have a Degree in a Field Other than Nursing and Do Not have an RN License. This graduate-entry program is for non-nurses who have a bachelor’s degree in another field and now wish to become RNs.