I’ve been in 6 countries in 3 continents and 30 states in over 3 years. I met my husband in the NAME department! I was a member of the sailing team and worked with FIRST robotics teams in Detroit for all four years. While NAME has no official academic concentrations, students can move into certain areas simply by taking one or two additional courses. You just have to believe in yourself first: that you deserve to be there, and that you can do it. If you tell us your nationality, we can show you the visa and tuition information that is most relevant to you. I enjoyed Quarterdeck society has it brought industry back to connect with students on a weekly basis, and served as a platform to make connections. Once you’ve decided that you want to be an engineer, you can do it. Classes are important but there is so much else to learn. Michigan was incredible and I loved my time there. Take advantage of every opportunity that is presented to you and approach them fearlessly. I graduated from U of M in 2016/17 with a bachelor’s and master’s degree. The people that transferred with me became good friends and the department helped build a great community I enjoyed the problem-solving techniques that I had to develop to solve problems at NAME. I learn so much in such short periods of time from extremely intelligent people and truly do have the opportunity to become an expert on many topics. Finally, my time at UM gave me a lifelong network of alumni that I can now count on for career and/or life support. I knew no one when I came to Michigan so it was awesome to find a group of people who had similar interests and goals. Find out which ShortCourses programmes match your personality! Now is the time to fail! Who knew that three short years later, those same classmates would be working on real Naval Architecture problems. View all marine courses ), $69,000 UM NAME graduates average starting salary (NAME department). Simulator Based Training. Take 2 minutes to sign up to PGS student services and reap the benefits… The chance to apply for one of our 15 exclusive PGS Bursaries So, I decided to get my MBA. I have been at the firm for 1.5 years and expect that I will make a move to either a smaller consulting firm or a job in industry within the next year. For those short on time, we also offer short maritime courses across a range of disciplines which are available worldwide. After college, Jess worked as a Marine Engineer at ExxonMobil for just over a year before transferring to Boeing to work as a Fluid Systems Standards Engineer at The Boeing Company. There was also so much to do outside of the department. I work with complex fluid systems across all airplane programs and at all phases of production, from new design to legacy aircraft. But work hard and you will convince them! Concentrations are areas in which a student, through the use of technical and free electives and in consultation with their advisor, could decide to focus. Valerie began with in a more traditional manner working as a Naval Architect Contract Engineer with Maritime Research Associates before taking the unconventional route: going to the Olympics. This is a development diploma qualification course for professional and has similar importance for purchasing practitioners in ship owning, ship operating and ship management companies likewise ship suppliers. There were also lots of opportunities to take trips through the department. I loved the camaraderie that it brought, but there was a strong academic focus which helped keep my discipline to study and focus on classes. Do you have questions you’d like answered? Not only was it exciting to see theoretical knowledge in a practical setting, but each lab presented its own set of problems in terms of data processing. I do strategy consulting for clients in the Industrial Products and Services industry, so I still get to utilize my engineering background quite frequently. But to have confidence that you are just as capable and qualified as anyone else, then everyone else will (eventually) follow suit. It was large, it held great pride in its academics and sports programs, the extracurricular activities were endless, the student body was diverse, ethnically and intellectually and Ann Arbor was the most idyllic college town. Shanghai Jiao Tong University Ranking (2017), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). I was able to take classes out of the “traditional sequence,” in order to fit my curriculum into 4.5 years, and balance my athletic commitment. If you don’t understand something either in class or at work never be afraid to ask a question. Clients used this information to tweak vessel designs, alter routes or simply to prepare for the actual voyage. My job allows me to be creative and motivates me to work hard. Having the capability to be able to see how choices we make in a design stage are implemented into real life is a humbling experience, especially for projects that have a life cycle of concept design to execution of multiple years. I get to play an integral part of the life cycles of multi-billion dollar assets every day, which presents a different set of exciting challenges. Experiment with things you are interested in and build relationships with your classmates, professors, and advisors. But in getting that degree, you’ll also get to interact with great people that you’ll still know years down the line. As a consultant, you continuously work on several different projects across different companies & clients and with different teams. The purpose of serving our warfighters. The NAME community became and still are my best friends, so leverage them to build a community at Michigan! If I could do it again, I would get more involved with design groups and extra curricular engineering projects. Rackham Merit Fellowship Recipient: 2014-2015 Working with athletes to perfect our boats’ wakes is my personal favorite part of the job. Every two weeks we performed a different lab to demonstrate one of the topics we had covered in the previous three years. Getting a Michigan NAME degree means that wherever you go, you will see a familiar face and people will know where you came from. The professors were also awesome. Study Marine Engineering at Falmouth Marine School. Beginning at the Michigan Marine Hydrodynamics Lab, Harleigh researched and helped design a new beach structure for the towing tank and designed and fabricated a bow for the Department of Defense Autonomous Combat Vehicle project. Our courses range from short courses including AMSA preparation, GMDSS revalidation and the Certificate of Safety Training (CoST) refresher to the Advanced Diploma of Maritime Operations (Marine Engineering Class 1) and Class 2. I started at Shell immediately after graduate school, and for the past 4 years have mainly been involved in 2 multi-billion dollar projects, Appomattox and Vito. Ability to solve tough clean technology business problems with clients that can have a significant impact on society. Marine engineering is closely related to other fields such as naval architecture, nautical sciences, oceanographic engineering, or automotive and mechanical engineering. There are so many opportunities to discover what you like and what you want to do with your future. Most recently, I worked with an international research organization to investigate use cases of 5G networks and develop infrastructure investment models that cities around the world can hopefully leverage in their deployment efforts. Diploma in Marine Purchasing is one of the marine engineering short courses and covers vital topics required by today’s purchasing and supply professionals. Take the time to enjoy college life. My time at Michigan was an awesome time in my life. My Michigan NAME experience has opened up so many doors. The friendships that I started at UM are some of the best friendships I have to this day.