Now swing the kettlebell forward and down, bending at the hips again to prepare for another rep. The kettlebell workout routines listed below are fun supplements to the kettlebell workout programs that I plan out in advance and are great for kettlebell workouts at home. You probably already guessed it – the kettlebell. Begin standing with your kettlebell locked in the rack position above your head, arm extended fully. Begin in the same position as you would a standard swing. This position is used to properly guide the movement of the kettlebell without straining the forearm and shoulders, especially during exercises like the snatch. Nine Kettlebell Exercises That will Help Give You Killer Abs 1. Reverse the processes to return to your starting position. That’s why I’ve compiled this list of killer core stabilizing and strengthening movements using kettlebells. Although the exercise plans based around KB's are endless and varied, today I am going to focus solely on targeting the abs, and on developing that core workout strength which is so important to anyone undertaking any form of serious physical training. Engage your core and glutes to push back up to standing. Want to know one the best tools you can use to reveal your abs and getting a ripped, strong, and stable core? The rectus abdominis which is the traditional 'six pack' muscle. Most of the exercises described below can be done with two kettlebells. © 2016-2020 by Tip: If you’re a beginner, be sure to master your standard and single-arm kettlebell swings before attempting the snatch. To get your kettlebell ab workout started, the first exercise should be the standard swing. Pull the kettlebell under your body out to your left side. Use these 10 easy kettlebell exercises to work your abs from every angle to build a strong, toned core. Do Sit-Ups Burn Belly Fat? ways to lose stomach fat and get flat, toned abs – for FREE! Drink more greens. Research backs this up – in fact, kettlebell workouts can burn up to 300 calories in just 20 minutes, while also cranking up your aerobic capacity in as little as four weeks (1, 2). The abs (or abdominal muscles) are actually made up of several different muscles: Now although it is the rectus abdominis which is the mainly visible, you're going to want to hit all those muscles as part of your ab routine as they all play a major part in developing core strength and overall stabilization of the body. Standard Swing. Click the banner below right now for your FREE download! Harness the benefits. Press your kettlebell above your chest, keeping your arms straight without bending your wrists. He'll be able to help you get results even if nothing has worked for you so far. Begin with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. I recommend beginning with a lighter kettlebell (10 to 15 lbs.) All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. A good one for targeting the obliques; you're going to want to go heavier on this exercise as high rep endurance work doesn't really work here (unless you want to count into the low hundreds). Getting Started With Kettlebell Ab Exercises Then you can ramp up the reps and work up to a weight that suits you. The side plank row is a challenging exercise for your obliques, while also targeting the shoulders and back. Start with a slightly heavier weight (I warm up with a 16kg and use a 24kg for work sets) and initially go for 10 reps each side. Weight is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This is a slow, controlled movement so you won't be swinging them around dangerously!). Take a wider stance with your feet, about shoulder-width apart. The renegade row works the entire core, along with the arms and back. It is also excellent for targeting the obliques as your body works to remain in a plank position. Keeping your back straight and core engaged, feet hip-width apart, lean forward a grasp the kettlebell with one hand. The windmill engages the entire core while you’re holding your kettlebell skyward in the racked position throughout the movement. I prefer to use a slightly heavier 'bell and lower the reps accordingly, but you can also lighten the weight and go for maximum endurance, it’s going to hurt either way! The kettlebell swing is all about technique, and when you've nailed the technique, it’s all about endurance and explosive power. Eat real food. The pull-over is excellent for working the stabilizer muscles of the entire core. Mastering the form takes practice and patience. Sometimes the old ways are still the best... well, maybe not, but weighted sit-ups are definitely a good weapon to keep handy in your ab toolbox. Any statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the FDA and any information or products discussed are not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease or illness. It works the entire body from head to toe, and also gets your heart rate up – excellent for burning through that last layer of fat covering your abs. Keep your core engaged and body in a straight line from head to toe. Begin lying on the floor on your back, arm extended with your kettlebell in the racked position. (I would also include the mid-lower back muscles in a kettlebell core workout for this reason). Begin lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Discover 7 unknown ways to lose stomach fat and get flat, toned abs – for FREE! Consult your professional healthcare provider before attempting any exercise, workout program or dietary change. Avoid using your arms and shoulders to aggressively yank or lift the kettlebell up. (Note: you can also elevate yourself on another kettlebell or low bench if you find this too challenging.). This is perhaps one of the best all round kettlebell exercises out there for building a strong core. Keep your arm taut. Again watch your technique, particularly with heavier weights and keep those abs engaged to protect the lower back. Fortunately, the kettlebell lends itself very well to core strength training and there are a number of exercises out there guaranteed to give those abs a good going over. Once you have a good few weeks of this under your belt you could perform the same exercise on a declined ab bench. If you want to target the obliques and lats and add a little extra challenge, you could always change things up and work on lateral swings.

kettlebell ab workout

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