Hopefully now you have acquired much knowledge on how to fix Excel find and replace not working issue. In the worksheet with the entry, it did not find it even though clearly seen. You do this by changing the Within dropdown from Sheet to Workbook. Some of your … ADDITIONAL DETAILS: People often ask about how it is possible to search through all sheets in a workbook. I have a protected workbook with protected sheets and some unlocked cells which contain plain text. Draw your attention to the line: signs (#) instead of numbers. User question: The Excel Find and Replace dialog drives me crazy. These settings can be useful, but if you happened to change them at 8:04 a.m. today and haven’t closed Excel since then, even though you’ve opened and closed 40 other workbooks and are working on something completely different, Excel will remember that previous setting. While still focusing on the dialog, click Ctrl+A. I have this code where I've defined a dictionary in excel. Not to worry…! Or if you know some other ways to fix Microsoft Excel Cannot Find the Data You’re Searching For error then don’t hesitate to share it with us. It does not show up on Alt+Tab or anywhere offscreen. IF you want to skip the text replacing at some specific places then tap to the. Start your Excel application and open Excel workbook in which you want to perform the search operation. On the same worksheet, excel cannot find some numbers while it can find the others. is there a possibility to fix the window size of “find & replace” pop-up in excel. Some of your Excel data is kept hidden with the use of Excel filter criteria. In Excel 2013, I have entered a value of 9.00, format is currency, 2 decimal places, symbol: none, Negative Numbers (1234.10). This is the best tool to fix any type of issue and also able to recovers entire Excel data including the charts, worksheet properties cell comments, and other important data easily. Try looking under the mouse pointer. It just stares at me. I have the cells with the offending text selected. Not even a “cannot find” message. These settings often cause a Find to fail. Say that you have a column where 5% of the numbers are To replace text or numbers, press Ctrl+H, or go to Home > Find & Select > Replace. The search function in "find" only finds UN-formatted text. Find is not working at all. For example a reference with ABC-123-456. Find/Replace is not working - Excel 2010. 4). Note: try this option only when you need to replace all the matches present in the Excel workbook. I want to find – and replace with nothing. So why can’t Excel see the 1354.80 value in the figure? File explorer found the file with an authors full name "Mair, B. J. and....". This supports all versions of Excel file and compatible with both Windows as well as Mac OS. a.k.a. One thing I use all the time is Find and Replace within formulas to change references to workbooks, tabs, etc. For example, if Using find and Within: Workbook did not find the worksheet. I just converted from Excel 2010 to 2013, and the rest of my group (we all work in the same files) is still in 2010. If I magnify screen I can narrow down cells to check but, wow, very annoying. To reestablish focus on the dialog box, you need to click the title bar of the Find and Replace dialog. If I Find just 9, then it works. Besides this, the post covers some best fixes to resolve “Microsoft Excel Cannot Find the Data You’re Searching For” error occurs mainly when Excel find and replace doesn’t work. 3). showing as #####. E.g., if one searches for the value "-7892.58" it will find only unformatted versions of cells. You can now format just the selected cells. hi I need some help. The "find by format" dialog box is no longer available on Mac Excel 365 Office Version 16.35. are the other settings, such as Match Case and Match Entire Cell Contents. Excel is displaying cell C16 I pressed the “clear file format” in find and replace in excel and now “Find and Replace” is not working can anyone help pls as I am desperate. When I use replace all I receive the message that X number of replacements were made but the data in the cells remains the same. Unfortunately, if you just select that option, you will not only replace the values (which are equivalent to formulas), but also any value that happens to be a part of a formula (as, for example, part of a cell reference). In the Find what box, type the text or numbers you want to find. I created an inventory, with words, in Excel this week, and when I try to find something, it does nothing. It seems that a lot of things (such as comments and formatting styles) are no longer working correctly. This means I can’t see which cell it has found and indicated with a very slight increase in border width. It works for a while and then when I open another project to work on, it disappears and I need to restart Studio to restore the Search and Replace window. Press Ctrl+F to display the Find dialog. From there I want to find text from the 'Key' in a Word Document then once it's found I want to carry on with other coding. Use Ctrl+F to select the Find and Replace Dialog Box in Excel and release the keys without clicking or selecting anything else. I have two or three Excel worsheets open at a time; I used to (earlier excel version) be able to click Ctrl-F for -each- Excel page and get a find-replace window for each worksheet..