This is not true, as both authentic wootz steel and real pattern welded Damascus steel blades undergo acid etching treatment after polishing to make the Damascus folds and patterns more visible. share. 40% Upvoted. Before outlining some of these signs, it is important to distinguish between the different methods employed to make damascus steel knives. However, prevention is better than cure. Exclusive Acid Etching - We've seen both pattern welding and forging wootz steel employ application of acid etching to the Damascus blades to bring out the water and twist patterns. These knives come in many different forms - fixed blades, bowies, swords, kukris, pocket knives, etc. First and foremost, if the Damascus knife highlights highly elaborate, detailed, and unnatural designs (not the general watery, folded, ladder, wavy, twist, raindrop, or feather patterns) it is most likely not legitimate. The type and quality of the acid solution in use can dictate the result of the etching. As a result, they are not characterized by the inherent qualities of a Damascus steel blade. Archived. This creates a wavy pattern that closely resembles the Damascus of old. Authentic historic methods of constructing Damascus steel knives with wootz steel is a lost art. This was my first attempt at a feather pattern. How to Recognize Real vs. Likewise, you should ensure that you make use of the appropriate acid solution and ensure that you take all necessary safety precautions involved in the process. Pattern-welded steel fell out of fashion for centuries before being brought back to modern times singlehandedly by the ingenious Bill Moran in the 1970s. Damascus steel knives have long been considered ideal hunting knives. Feb 17, 2020, Single Handed Axes Additionally, as previously stated, pattern welded Damascus steel knives are stronger than their historic counterpart, as they contain less impurities and are made with homogenous layers. You can alternatively have eyewash around you if you don’t have eyes shield. New comments cannot … Additionally, by simply examining the consistency of the patterns on your knife, you can tell whether or not it is a genuine Damascus knife. In wootz Damascus steel or pattern welded steel, the original pattern will reemerge following submersion of the blade in the acid solution. Use rubber gloves and aprons before starting the process. If you are interested in browsing real Damascus steel knives, you can do so at Frontier Blades. 0. Damascus steel pattern is one of the prevalent and most beautiful patterned finishing you can give to your steel. It makes photography better due to the contrast. ← Older Post This thread is archived. However, only when acid etching or laser etching is done exclusively on cheaper blades, such as stainless steel or carbon steel, without the layering or smelting of steel, is the Damascus knife considered fake. Additionally, as previously stated, pattern welded Damascus steel knives are stronger than their historic counterpart, as they contain less impurities and are made with homogenous layers. 8 comments. It provides the steel with or blades a classic and attractive outlook. The answer by Terran Marks is quite correct regarding the method for completely faking a pattern welded blade using nail polish and acid. These are considered fake damascus steel blades, as they are primarily made with the intention of aesthetically imprinting Damascus looking patterns on cheaper blades. Learn more. Newer Post →, The Best Elk Ridge Knives For Sale | Affordable Hunting Knives One of the determining factors of how well your etching will turn out on Damascus steel is the acid solutions you intend to use. Therefore, if you have a pattern welded Damascus steel knife with acid etching, it is a legitimate and real Damascus steel knife. Due to their increased functionality, versatility, and high demand, these knives are easily replicated using ingenuine techniques. Jul 30, 2019. As much as etching Damascus steel does not require a much-complicated process, you need adequate materials to get it right. In a fake Damascus knife, the edge will be uniform, leaving a randomly marked surface. They have long been considered premium hunting knives due to their implementation of premium materials, excessive forge welding, and ability to perform a variety of tasks.