The eagle was on the Spanish shield until 1978. For instance, the national flag inspires a feel of honor for the country and its people. These symbols play a significant role in bringing together a country as a whole by reminding its people of their nation’s principles and history. Written by Frances Wood This is BirdNote. Perhaps the most famous is the Mexican eagle devouring a serpent, being the pride of the Central American nation. National symbols are extremely important, as they represent certain aspects which are considered to be of national significance for the country and its people. Six countries have symbols associated with various other religions on their flags. Bottom Row L-R: In ancient Rome, an infantry unit was divided into legions. 5.) 6.) One possible reason is that the eagle was one of the symbols of the Roman Empire, and many European and "Western" societies hold Rome up as an ideal to emulate. Other countries that also have as emblem some kind of eagle are: 10 | Zambia and the African Fishing Eagle. These symbols may or may not appear on the national flag, emblem, or on the coat of arms. L-R: Symbols of Germany, Mexico, and Egypt. Austria- The Austrian Empire had a two-headed eagle as its symbol. Bald Eagle - National Symbol. The most famous was the aquila, or eagle. The Eagle was the living Symbol of the Egyptian God Mendes or Menthra, whom Sesostris-Ramses made one with Amun-Re, the God of Thebes and Upper Egypt, and the representative of the Sun, the word RE meaning Sun or King. L-R (top): The Golden Eagle is the National Symbol of several countries. A standard bearer carried before the legion a staff with a symbol to lead the troops into battle. There are several countries that have as a national symbol the eagle, each one with different species. [Bald Eagle calling] Yes, that squeaky-door sound comes from the official bird of the United States of America. The design of the Bald Eagle holding 13 arrows, and a 13-leaf olive branch has been the same since its inception. [Bald Eagle calling] Look high into the top branches of a tall tree, and you may see the source of this call — a Bald Eagle. Similarly, the national bird, animal, tree, or fruit signifies the rich and diverse flora and fauna of the nation’s geographical region. Germany and Prussia- Prussia, and later Germany have used a black eagle as their national symbol.