Yes, as a driver you’re going to spend lots of hours sitting behind the wheel. Truck drivers play an important role in just about every form of commerce, from delivering food to packages and mail, to cars and trucks. On their first day of training, gymnasts learn the hollow-body hold. You can start with the left hand. This exercise requires a dumbbell of five pounds or something that is of equal weight such as your briefcase or a water bottle that is full. ACE recommends the following exercises for achieving initial core, or corset, stability. While holding the weight, let the left hand curl up to your left shoulder. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, truck drivers comprise one of the largest occupations in the country with more than 3.2 million jobs. The Truck Driver Workout includes quick exercises to stretch your muscles. 1. Start with the four below, recommended by Chag as well as Leython Williams, D.P.T., a physical therapist and facility manager at Athletico Physical Therapy in Lincolnshire, Illinois. Exercise(s): Front Squat 3×10. Do stretches like the tricep stretch, standing toe touch, one-arm shoulder stretch and behind head chest stretch every time you hop in and out of your truck. Prolonged sitting while driving causes your muscles to shorten, which makes them tight and vulnerable to injury. Curls are great exercises especially if you love driving using one hand. The 11 Best Core Exercises 1. But that doesn’t mean you have to just sit and wait for back pain to happen, and just accept it. Raise your arm out straight beside your head while raising and extending your leg on the opposite side up out behind the body. has a plan to drive away back pain with five helpful exercises. It’s a foundational position that involves bracing your abdominals and creating total-body tension, and it’s integral to many other movements in the sport. Back … When you try to maintain that posture while performing the right exercises, your core is really cooking! Push Ups superset with Face Pulls 3×15 per exercise. Core on the Floor. Kneel on the mat on all fours with your legs and hands slightly apart. Hollow Body Hold. What exactly are the right exercises? For this workout, do 3 full-body workouts per week. Bird Dog. The Long Drive Workout.

core exercises while driving

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