Disease Application Method Rate Application Program Brown rot and foot rot Phytophthora spp Foliar Spray 1 tsp. When conditions favor disease, spray trees to … per gallon of water. If the fungus is carried with the seed, it may attack the seedling, usually after emergence, and cause damping-off or stem lesions and collar rot. Use AGRI-FOS® Systemic Fungicide for effective control of root rot and collar rot diseases in citrus. causing coller rot of chickpea January 2011 Progressive Agriculture 11(1):183-186 More frequently, however, spores are produced abundantly, especially during heavy dews and frequent rains, and are blown in from infected debris or infected cultivated plants and weeds. Evaluation of fungicides, Trichoderma harzanium and Pseudomonas flourescens against Sclerotium rolfsii (Sacc.) Crown rot (Figure 2) is used to describe the disease when the pathogen affects the lower section of the trunk at the soil line, whereas root rot primarily impacts the tree root system. The fungus can infect apple trees in the following ways: collar rot--infection above the tree union, Trees, therefore, are attacked at about blossom time (April) and during the onset of dormancy (September). The fungus requires high levels of moisture and cool temperatures for growth and reproduction, and grows best at temperatures around 56°F.