It’s time to turn your snacks into a powerhouse for your muscle building. You do get extra strength in your arms, legs, and rest of your body. Nut butter can add a creaminess to your smoothie if you choose to avoid bananas when using coconut water. You’ll get the calcium, iron, antioxidants, magnesium, and more. Healthy fats also support the brain health. This can be high in calories. When your body works in harmony, you’ll get stronger and larger muscles. You can also add ice if your blender copes with the chunks. That’s why you want to choose a liquid that is going to help support your protein and energy needs. I started splitting up my fruit smoothies from veggie smoothies and have had less (not eliminated) issues with gas. Meanwhile, the dark leafy greens will add all the other nutrients you need. If you want to give your smoothie more of a protein punch, add in some protein powder. Both nuts and seeds are full of protein and healthy fats. You get all the carbs, but they’re simplified and put your health at risk. The fruit will break down to give you the healthy carbs you need. You want the boost of sugars within your system to use up while you get to work, but the sugars won’t break down in the bloodstream and set off your insulin response. Choose a fruit packed with antioxidants. Day 4 of the 5-Day Smoothie Challenge, Street Fighter Edition, is a hearty, green smoothie using two of my favorite super foods – kale and avocado. While carbs are considered bad for you, they are also essential for improving your energy levels. Let's have a look at the 20 top tips that the vegetarian bodybuilder needs to know. When you want to build muscle, you need a diet that will support it. Finally, there are the carbohydrates. You only need a tablespoon at the most for good results. Milk and Greek yogurt are good protein sources. Light versions can also strip out some of the proteins! When using nut butter, you’ll only need a tablespoon at the most. Your muscles (and the rest of your body) will gain more of the necessary nutrients to help them grow, build, and strengthen. You’ll get a boost of energy that is sustained. The nuts and seeds will also add selenium to your diet. These will help to add a bit of creaminess to your smoothie, especially if you use water instead of milk. Check out more info on green smoothie bodybuilding here: How To Find The Best Protein Powder for Women If you don’t want berries, then look out for bananas. The downside to whey protein powder is that it is milk based. They also add more healthy fats, as well as the protein for the muscle building. It’s not necessary but is an option if you want to build more muscle quickly. They’re packed with vitamin C and other antioxidants. Try to keep the stems from the leafy greens, as they include nutrients that are essential for building your muscles and improving your overall health. The after-work out green smoothie is an excellent way to repair the muscles and add energy back into your body. Don’t worry, because we’ll help you get only be best ingredients for the post-workout green smoothie. Coconut water for the electrolytes. Berries are excellent additions to your smoothies, especially blueberries. Breakfast is a great time to get some … Not everyone can handle the natural sugars in milk and Greek yogurt. Complex carbs that you get in fruit are essential for sustained and durable energy levels. It’s completely up to you how you want to gain it. Adding any flavors will just add unnecessary sugars. Oats will offer you more fiber and carbohydrates to get you through the workout. Despite being low in calories, you feel fuller for longer and will keep your digestive system working. Here are the ones that you want to add to your weekly routine. Your body will need something that helps to sustain its energy levels. Citrus fruits are extremely juicy and will blend well with a smoothie. If you want to make your post-workout smoothie suitable for the pre-workout snack, you should add some oats to your drink. This recipe involves just five ingredients bases. You can replace with sun butter if you have a nut allergy. What the science says. The building of muscles is also not superficial. Green smoothies are an excellent way to improve your health and strength. The antioxidants are essential for supporting the whole health. Kale or spinach is the best leafy greens. Both are powerhouses when it comes to nutrients. I like to add them for some variety but they aren't necessary. Soy beans are full proteins, so you don’t lose out on the amino acids. After your workout, you can burn more calories for up to 48 hours during the muscle repair but only if you get the ketones to help. The two nutrients work together to sustain energy levels, reduce hunger, and support the metabolism. This is something that water will miss. Too many people assume the fatigue is due to lack of iron and forget about nuts!