They may have some good reasons to stay sober, but they also have a strong motivation to continue drinking or drugging. There is nothing wrong with experiencing joy, but the problem really starts when the pink cloud period ends. Memory can be treacherous for people who are recovering from an addiction. So it’s important to consider whether your mental health may be affecting your motivation level. American Addiction Centers is in-network and negotiates coverage with most providers. * If people feel that they have stopped making progress in their recovery then they need to rectify this situation. * The individual can actively take steps to keep motivated. You lack a strong reason WHY. Pink cloud syndrome can lead to loss of motivation. * Anger and resentment can drain people of their motivation to stay on the path of sobriety. American Addiction Centers is in-network and negotiates coverage with most providers. An ambivalent attitude towards sobriety can be dangerous. So if an alcoholic has the knowledge, skills, and abilities to defeat their addiction their motivation can increase. Until they are able to overcome their ambivalence, their sobriety will be on a shaky foundation. The editorial staff of is comprised of addiction content experts from and affiliated with American, pleasure is gained without the risk of failure. They can begin to feel a great deal of anger and resentment because their life in recovery is not nearly as satisfying as they hoped. You are more likely to stick to your goal if you have a clear reason for achieving it. If people expect this in recovery, then they are highly likely to be disappointed. This is where the individual has two minds about recovery. * Spending time with motivated people can have the individual energize their own enthusiasm for sobriety. is operated by Recovery Brands LLC, a subsidiary of American Addiction Centers, Inc. This is why service is such a key element of groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous. The pull towards addiction is stronger than the pull towards recovery. The slightest setback could be enough to tip the balance in favor of a relapse. And this can lead to physical and mental changes in the body when you wake up. Relapse Due to Lack of Motivation Those who abuse alcohol or drugs do so because they are motivated to behave this way. The content on is brought to you by American Addiction Centers (AAC), a nationwide network of leading substance abuse and behavioral treatment facilities. This keeps things interesting and motivates the individual. A common reason for why people return to addiction after a period of sobriety is that they just run out of steam. They can forget the pain of addiction, which was the driver that motivated them to stop in the first place. * If people feel themselves going through a particularly joyful period of sobriety they should enjoy this. Nobody gets to enjoy a life that is always easy. This motivation can originate in a number of ways. Self-efficacy is the belief that an individual has in their own ability to achieve a goal. * Those individuals who belong to a 12 Step Group may find that regular attendance keeps them motivated to stay sober. Write it down and don’t lose sight of it. They begin to doubt the value of sobriety. Another way that self-efficacy can be increased is by witnessing a peer achieve the goal. Motivation is not always rational. Their life can improve greatly by quitting the addiction, but this is not the end of their journey. If people drink more alcohol than their bodies can absorb, they become drunk. A person with ARBI might experience problems with memory, thinking-related abilities and physical coordination. The use of certain substances — including cannabis, alcohol, and narcotic drugs — may also lead to feelings of lethargy. When people are at the end of their addiction they can be in a great deal of pain and mental suffering. Those who abuse alcohol or drugs do so because they are motivated to behave this way. The other possibility is that they become a dry drunk. Motivation and Relapse. This will help them overcome any remaining ambivalence in regards to sobriety. This is because recovery is a process and not an event. The individual who enters addiction rehab will have developed the motivation to change their life. They may have believed giving up alcohol or drugs would have made their life perfect. It is expected that people should feel plenty of joy at escaping addiction, and there will be plenty for these people to be happy about in recovery. If a goal is achieved easily then the individual will have an increased belief in their ability to achieve the goal again in the future. These two forces can be difficult to beat unless the motivation to change is strong enough. Eating food, especially fatty food, slows the absorption of alcohol. The most obvious risk with losing motivation in recovery is that the individual will return to their former addiction. * It is important that people have a clear conviction for their need to be on the recovery path. This is where people avoid returning to substance abuse, but they also stop progressing in their recovery. They may result from disillusionment when their high expectations are not met right away. Perhaps they have recently done something particularly shameful and feel full of remorse. Motivation to remain free of addiction is vital in order to prevent relapse. Memory has an odd effect on people who are recovering from an addiction, and it can cause them to lose their motivation to stay sober. * If people fail to develop sufficient coping mechanisms for life in recovery they can become overwhelmed by the challenges they face. Another common reason for why people lose motivation in recovery is that they had unrealistic expectations to begin with. * Maintaining a gratitude list can also keep people feeling enthusiastic about sobriety. Many people find that the driving force to stay sober can begin to lose power after a few months of sobriety. It is not enough for the individual to just give up their addiction. Use our FREE online form to see how your insurance covers you for the nation’s best addiction treatment. Relapse is a real threat for anyone who is new to recovery. If the goal of the individual is to do as little as possible their motivation will be directed to achieving this. A social circle made up of other addicts provides peer pressure to conform and this works as extrinsic motivation. If people do not have the motivation to do this, then they are unlikely to find much happiness. This is the reason why those in early recovery are encouraged to take part in some type of aftercare service such as a fellowship or to attend rehab booster sessions. Their determination to stay sober falters as a result. This is almost guaranteed to happen, as life is full of ups and downs. They lose their motivation to stay away from alcohol and drugs.