lds living sunday on monday podcastserbian love quotes with translation

But hidden in these sad tales of bloodshed and chaos could be verses that brought Joseph Smith’s brother Hyrum peace during his final days and may bring peace to our lives as well. And part of the complexity of that seems to have something to do with the way that Joseph talked about kingdom-building. So grab your scriptures and let's dig into some of the most powerful moments in all of scripture. He proposed that his own place and calling was as Joseph’s spokesman. New Podcast from Bookshelf PLUS+ and LDS Living — Deseret ... !, Wednesday, Thursday, and real laughter way for me to. Thank you for sharing that. Joseph leaped from the window, and was shot dead in the attempt, exclaiming, "O Lord my God!" William Marks, who was the Stake President in Nauvoo would have been on that list; Hyrum, Samuel, his brother; yeah. According to his source he got it from: Bailey, Emma Hale, pp. And so the, the Masons, you know, they, they had these oaths that were sometimes referred to as blood oaths. But although it was a somber time in Church history, the Saints showed remarkable perseverance and faith in the Lord. I can't even believe that, oh that sweet Lily. it didn’t go how you had hoped? If you guessed Monday from 7-8 p.m., you would be wrong. We're fine. In these sections, the Lord is asking the Saints to be patient, to offer Him a willing heart and mind, and to work for these flecks of gold in their lives. Find more information and reserve tickets at Every Monday evening. Did you know Alma had a favorite child? So I think in Section 124, you have, you know, some of the language of the temple, where it says, if you don't mind me, sharing, like verse 39. Even if you are brave enough to never have feared the dark, there’s something undeniably comforting about stepping into the light. .” only to see a blank stare in return? Absolutely, I loved all of it. Reviews. And so I sent these quotes to Doug and Sara and I just want to know, were there any specific ones that stood out to you or that left you feeling something after you read what they had to say? We will dig into Mosiah 7-10 to learn from examples (both good, and bad) of people who receive course corrections from the Lord, through prophets, seers, and revelators. So I guess maybe one way to end my thoughts would be to tie us back to the blood of the Savior and that His, you know, I love that line in the hynm that "his blood he freely spilt". Editor’s Note: Tammy Uzelac Hall is the host of LDS Living’s newest podcast, “Sunday on Monday,” a weekly Come, Follow Me focused podcast that dives into the hidden treasures of the gospel. At one point, Joseph Smith and Martin Harris felt that to an extreme most people will never know. Listen now. It's easy to think of "faith" as a super basic topic, but it can be much harder to figure out what it actually looks like IRL (in real life). And we we recognize that the experience they had was this mantle of a prophet. Be First to Review. Yes. Well, I've always admired Sara's testimony and the way that she has been able to kind of anchor herself to that peak experience that she had as a young girl, and I am, you know, a great admirer of Hyrum and Joseph. Or you could look back and it really resounded with you? And I, I don't love him like I love Jesus Christ, but I love him for what he gave so that we could have this gospel. More often, it’s just a few tiny flecks of gold for hours and hours of work. The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ And I just, I think that's probably one of the low points in our lives where our marriage was tested. Listen on Apple Podcasts. But you have no idea where to start. Now, if you're new to our study group, I just want to make sure you know how to use this podcast, so follow the link that's in our description. Reflections of Christ So can you just give us a little bit of background leading up to the martyrdom? In fact, all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have a very specific talent. Faith, hope, and charity. A Child of God Thank you, Sara. And your little Lily was like, I think she was nine, eight or nine. History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints: ... Time out for and. You can only imagine from, you know, we learned from Zions camp that a trek that doesn't have an immediate vision of what, you know what, what's waiting for them. He talks about how it is the word in the will of the Lord considering the camp of Israel, let all the people of the church who are journeying with them, keep the commandments in the statues of the Lord. Forgiveness of sins is sometimes a difficult concept for us to navigate in our lives. (Feb. 10–Feb. But I just, I think Joseph, in some ways maybe resisted being in charge of everything. And I think it's going to be freshly-made covenants that's gonna get us through this, or get me through this. . Because it's so important to know, I appreciate that. And there's a lot. So sad for her and so sad for her future and what it would mean, as far as having a family and being able to have her own children and get married and, you know, have a life like that. I think that's what will make the situation better.' “Wondering for the safety of his life.” This is how the book of Moroni begins. If so, do you have any specific memories about the event? In this week’s lesson of Doctrine and Covenants 46–48, we’ll learn about spiritual gifts and how we can use them to help those around us. In this week's study group, we'll talk about Alma's missionary efforts and uniting with Amulek in Alma 8–12 to see what that can teach us about God's presence behind the scenes of our lives. In fact, Doug is the person that I mentioned a few episodes ago when we talked about the Socratic method. This week we dig into Doctrine and Covenants 135–136 to put the martyrdom in context as well as look at thoughts from early Saints that will help us see how we too can persevere through our darkest moments. Highlight the italicized words in verse one: "I am a dead man", and Joseph, exclaiming, "O Lord, my God!" As he pieces the story together of what appears to be an ever-growing conspiracy, Chenault is pursued by The Brothers, two murderous zealots who will stop at nothing to retrieve the Mormon relic Chenault is also trying to find. 0.0. I want you to give me a blessing. February 12, 2021 04:42 PM MST. And I, you know, I love those accounts and find them very inspiring, you know. Join host Tammy Uzelac Hall and friends for the PILOT episode of the Sunday on Monday Study Group, a new podcast where we study the COME, FOLLOW ME lesson for the week and dig into the scriptures together. Where did you serve your mission? For me, I would say absolutely. Thus, all those who were to make the journey were to travel “with a covenant and promise to keep all the commandments and statutes of the Lord” (D&C 136:2). It might be good for the pioneers but what does it mean for us today? And I don't even, I mean, I know we talk about it a lot, and it was so difficult and so hard, but we have to talk about section 136, because, like you said, Doug, this is Brigham Young's, this is his revelation that he receives. BYU football falls in the CFP, women's sports dominate . Real Vs. Rumor: How to Dispel Latter-day Myths I don't know, like gave me a lot to think about Doug, I love that. I desire prudence that I may not through ambition abuse my body and cause it to become old and care-worn, but that I may wear a cheerful countenance, live to perform all the work that [I] covenanted to perform in the spirit-world and be a blessing to all who may in any wise need aught at my hands. And I feel like elements of Masonry were part of those cups. I love that you asked that. Don’t worry, Tammy and her guests have got you covered. And that's what's going to happen. And I love what Brigham Young then says, he says, to resolve the matter, Brigham asked the saints to return later in the afternoon to sustain a new leader of the church. One word for "evil" in Greek is ponos. I think it shows her great humility. Follow us on Facebook and  Instagram to share what you learned this week. By sharing practical information and seeking out the best things in Latter-day . Weather would have made all the difference. Yeah, I think the saints, you know, obviously, we know the stories about the role that the weather played, the way that they were assigned to pack up as little as they could survive on and, you know, probably wishing that they had left certain keepsakes home and brought more dried fruit and other things, dried meat, that could have sustained them when they got hungry. Words Matter: LDS Living & Time Out For Women. So on his way to Carthage, I guess we're kind of going back and forth with our story. We hear the testimony of John Taylor often and and maybe whenever we're talking about the martyrdom we concentrate all of our energy on those verses. It’s difficult to even imagine the loneliness and sorrow Moroni must have felt as he watched all of his family and friends perish. It's not easy to have a parent call you out for the sins you've committed, let alone have those sins immortalized in the scriptures—ouch. And this is around August, the beginning of August, August 3rd, August 4th. ‎Mint Arrow Messages is a podcast from blogger and content creator Corrine Stokoe who's best known for her fashion and deal blog Mint Arrow. I love that talk, too. And so Emma writes it, Joseph goes to Carthage, and then in Section 135, we have the martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum. And the word human comes from the word humus, which is another meaning of Adam, right? I don't know if it's a good time to do it. And our priesthood is so grounded in order. It's interesting to know who wrote it, because you're, all of the Doctrine and Covenants was written through the hand of Joseph Smith through inspiration, from Jesus Christ. And that Joseph Smith, like Doug said, he read from the Book of Mormon in his last hours. We learn from Alma the younger’s experience to see what role confession plays, how we can embrace those who have sinned, and most importantly, how those harrowing feelings don't need to last. Join host Tammy Uzelac Hall and friends for the Sunday on Monday study group, a weekly Come, Follow Me focused podcast where we dig into the scriptures together to find and share the hidden treasures of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They would vote by quorum and as a church body. Okay, here's how we know each other. So, well, I appreciate so much that you shared your thoughts and perspectives on the martyrdom. It's awesome. And I think this moment of succession crisis is such a growing experience for the church. So it is no wonder that when Joseph and Oliver Cowdery had a question about baptism, the answer would usher in the glorious restoration of the Aaronic priesthood upon the earth. And I, in my very halting Portuguese was telling sister Diaz the First Vision. And if that feels like doom and gloom for you, don’t worry, it’s not. All the thunder and lightning, earthquakes and tempests, war and famine—it’s enough to make anyone nervous. And, and just praying for a little light, you know, just a pinhole of light, and a way forward. Spoiler alert: there is “exceedingly great joy” involved. "A detailed look at Christ's Crucifixion and how it intersects with His Atonement by best-selling Latter-day Saint author John Hilton III"-- Barges built after the manner of Noah, stones touched by God, sea creatures threatening to dash boats to pieces—there’s no doubt Ether 1–5 is one fast-paced adventure. So grab your scriptures and let’s dig into how these topics can help us today. And I just think that it's, you know, this sets up a framework for the Latter-day Saint disposition. It’s essentially comparing the teachings of Jesus Christ to food and how, just like a newborn baby, we need to master the basics (milk) before we can move onto the “meat” of the gospel. Hint: he's not asking for bail money. . Whether it was the outpouring of gratitude on social media after President Nelson's challenge in November or the millions of acts of services that have taken place during this year's Light the World campaign, good things have come out of 2020. Everybody has their own journey. What do you think it says about the power of Emma, or maybe where her heart would have to be to be able to write that? Emmerich's descriptions of our Lord's Passion will melt a heart of stone. This book is the best on the Passion we have seen. This is her compelling visionary account of the events surrounding Jesus' final days. And I just wrote to the outside, "pack your patience". . But I haven't gone all the, yeah, I haven't done the whole trek. And so it's part of the apostasy and it's being brought back. And does its future look like? You can access full episodes through the Bookshelf app—and if you aren't yet subscribed to Bookshelf PLUS+, you can try it free for 30 days by going to Note: According to the Church's General Handbook, "Baptisms should be performed in a baptismal font if one is available. I love the Old Testament, and I've never been to Jerusalem. If your ideal life doesn't include a porn habit, then this is the show for you. This week, we're finding out what Paul has to say to us (and the Ephesians) from his jail cell. Do you remember a day in your life that was simply the greatest? It takes courage, conviction and community to be a woman who brings all that she is into the workplace. And one of the fun ways we taught it in seminary is you take cups, and on the cups, you build this tower, and each cup has a part of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Like, so much of this section is about covenants and what covenants look like in everyday life of a pioneer. Question Title * 16. And I looked up at SR Diaz and I said, "It's true. He's a great teacher and speaker, but he, his role is different than Joseph's. Hey Friends! And so they believe that it was kind of a combined effort, because John Taylor at the time, he was the head of the printing office. Bonded-leather with over 70 breathtaking images and gift box 50% discount. This section is entirely about the martyrdom. Now there are two words that don’t seem like they belong together. I'm so thankful for all of the history that you knew about that, Doug. Our bonus episode today is a taste test of LDS Living's new Sunday on Monday study group, where host Tammy Uzelac Hall digs into the Come, Follow . You know, I guess I, I appreciated the way that each of the sisters tunes in to the general feeling of despair that everyone in Nauvoo felt at the time and everyone that was not in Nauvoo and receiving the news from a distance. Okay, let’s be real. Maybe it was something as important as a job or as trivial as a party invitation, but you just knew that your effort would’ve been superior than the person who actually did it. Whether we’re waiting in traffic, waiting in a checkout line, or even just waiting for the elevator—hardly anybody enjoys having to wait. So I've been with my employer. On a scale of 1–10, how busy are you? For Joseph Smith, it was a little of both. I love the line where Emma asks that she not come to the end of any of her days and feel regret. Of all the relationships we have over a lifetime, there is only one we carry with us wherever we go: Our relationship with God and Jesus Christ. Price . That's what we're talking about today. Have you ever wondered what general conference might have been like for people in the Book of Mormon? And what fascinates me the most is when I learned, when Joseph Smith said, "O, Lord, my God! I did make it to Sharon, Vermont two years ago, but that's as much of the east, eastern part of the trek that I've done as I've been. And I would just say that I, I love those quotations that we hear about Joseph early on in his ministry, where he's, you know, sort of sees himself as a 'Rough Stone Rolling', where he sees himself as someone who needs lots of help. And it's ever-present. What to do you think of when you hear the phrase, “season of joy”? To create the role of reporter Carl Phillips, actor Frank Readick went to the record library and played the recording of Herbert Morrison's radio report of. But I, after what has been sacrificed so I could have this knowledge and I could have this truth in my life, that'd be such a betrayal. ©2021 LDS Living • A Division of Deseret Book Company, Listen to a Version of “Praise to the Man” That You’ve Probably Never Heard Before, The Better Angels of Our Nature: Freemasonry in the American Civil War, BYU Studies Vol. And you're, and it's, you know, it's interesting to think, Who would write this about Joseph Smith? But you were loving on that Lily nonstop. Well, this may sound naive or kind of Pollyanna-ish, but I feel like every single challenge that has come up in our lives has been worth going through. Do you ever get to 2 Nephi 12, see “compare to Isaiah 2” in the heading and just want to skip past the next few chapters? And so I was so excited when they agreed to come on. 24 "Cease drunkenness; and let your words tend to edifying one another.". As we study Doctrine and Covenants 106–107, we’ll find out who this Old Testament prophet was and what his significant role was in the priesthood. We're going to talk about those trials and what he may have been referring to in the next three segments. Right there it is again, 'humbling', it's everywhere. . Probably still uncertain how it's gonna play out though, right? That is so cool, how Joseph did have the role to receive revelation and organize the church and get it to a place where, in comes this you know, lion in my mind, this lion-roaring Brigham Young, who's now going to get the saints to the West. In this week's study group we learn why it's important to have a continual commitment to change like the Anti-Nephi-Lehies in Alma 23-29, and also, why it’s not the end of the world when we mess up. And I think that's what's important about this whole experience, is learning that the people recognized. However, in our hymnbook, the song we sing is to an old Scottish folk hymn, but if you want to hear what it's supposed to sound like, I'm going to include a link in our show notes. "Prison temple." Now there are two words that don't seem like they belong together. The Masonic tradition, as I understand it, is based in the idea that the practices of Solomon's temple were originated among the the bricklayers, or the people who built Solomon's temple. So grab your scriptures, tuck in your napkins, and let’s dig into Doctrine and Covenants 29. I’ll go inside someday.” For many Latter-day Saints, these lyrics from the Primary song “I Love to See the Temple” are familiar and meaningful. Host Tammy Uzelac Hall, a certified Seminary/Institute teacher, will dig into the scriptures each week from the current Come Follow Me lesson. And they're going to be, you know, a little bit on edge when John, you know, later on when Johnson's army comes and when they go, you know, when they're dealing with Indian relations. And you love your children fiercely. More. And there's a lot of attention to blood in the covenants that they make in the temple. Here are four questions readers might have in their studies of the Book of Mormon this week, accompanied by Hall's insights that add new meaning to the beloved verses. And I'm, I'm a little bit naive to who wrote this. So grab your tissues and let’s dig into this week’s lesson. Editor’s Note: Tammy Uzelac Hall is the host of LDS Living’s newest podcast, “Sunday on Monday,” a weekly podcast focused on Come, Follow Me that dives into the hidden treasures of the gospel. This week marks the third week of suspended Church meetings. How, how can we mingle our blood with His, you know, how can we mingle our, our DNA with His, and our spiritual DNA with His, and become blood brothers and, and accept His sacrifice? And so in the next segment, we are going to talk about some other thoughts and perspectives that other people have shared, and what they had to say about the martyrdom and we'll do that in the next segment. So I love the whole blessing. Sunday on Monday Podcast (100) This is the Gospel: A Storytelling Podcast by LDS Living (73) Joseph: The Podcast (6) LDS Living (5) Come, Follow Me Read Along (2) Edward Dube (1) Jane Clayson Johnson (1) John Hilton III (1) Kristin Chenoweth (1) Department . We did it! In this week’s study group, we’ll study Doctrine and Covenants sections 12–13 and Joseph Smith—History 1:66–75 to discover how the restoration of the priesthood helps us build Zion in the latter days. Why are there more lessons this year?” Well, yes, we did technically finish the sections, but did you know there are three very important documents included at the end of the Doctrine and Covenants? Joseph. By the time you get to Section 20, there's maybe a little bit more careful information about how the, the church should be organized. Well, today we’re going to study about a different—but infinitely more valuable—type of gift that you already have. I thought that was great. Today marks the beginning of our study of 3 Nephi, which, according to Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, is “the focal point, the supreme moment, in the entire history of the Book of Mormon." You can read this chapter in its entirety at as well as other chapters as they are posted. But how fascinating that "my people must be tried in all things", in Winter Quarters and in 2021. So for those of you want to know more about my guests, you can read their bios and see their pictures in our show notes which are found at LDS A dream so impactful you even wondered if maybe it was revelation from God? Browse: Next ∼ Centered How the 12 Steps Brought Me Back from Darkness - Kristie Peavy So. But don’t worry, we’re also going to share how to defeat this monster through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I didn't even recognize myself. And so my question for you is, in Doctrine and Covenants section 135, were there themes that jumped out to you? Maybe it’s just a line or a verse that seems to bring you peace no matter what? And ultimately, it was just he and Hyrum who decide to leave with some bodyguards, and then realizes that his life is is the only thing that will, that the sort of anti-Mormons are going to, are going to allow for. That, I mean it's a perfect way to transition into what we want to talk about next. And it's hard to accept your lot in life, and accept the conditions of your moments that, that feel impossible. Water is not dedicated for baptisms.". Maybe you feel a bit of both? Something that would help you grow spiritually and maybe even change your life? And it it isn't, it isn't a slam dunk and they, it's not perfectly articulated in the Doctrine and Covenants. From Eve to Esther, from the Samaritan woman at the well to the widow with her two mites, many women in the Bible have made courageous choices. She has 30 nieces and nephews and loves spending time with them. So grab your scriptures, and let’s dig into Moroni 7–9 to study one of Moroni’s last lessons for us in the latter days. But after I got help, and I got treatment, I feel like ever since then, my life has been, I'm able to see the goodness in even the hardest, hardest things. It down to earth is just so much that you shared your experience with the pilot episode of the blessings! 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